Unless you've been living under a rock or are not from India, you are no stranger to their brand of politics. Their stand on employment and welfare of the "Sons of The Soil" has caused much disharmony in the state. Off-late their agenda has taken a very brutal and ugly face in the form of public violence and blatant disregard for the laws of the land.
I guess by now you're probably confused about the title of this post. Well allow me to explain. The aging supremo of the SS (hmmm... why does that sound familiar?) attacked Sachin Tendulkar for saying that "Mumbai belonged to all Indians". In an editorial in the Sena mouthpiece, Saamna, Thackeray, warned Sachin to "keep off the political pitch" for his own well-being. Or else, he would have "run out" from Marathi minds.

Thackeray's editorial has in a sense united Indians against his kind. His comments enraged the millions (dare I say hundreds of millions) of fans of Maharshtra's, scratch that, India's beloved son. This rage, ironically is turning out to be a strong catalyst for many to realize the truth about Thackeray and his kind.
Trust me, the men behind these political parties are merely capitalizing on the sentiment of the average Marathi Manoos. Given the opportunity, these Sainiks would gladly sell their "beliefs" to the highest bidder.
I sincerely hope fans of "The Little Master" and others as well, will see these men for what they truly are and ensure that they NEVER get in a position to wield power.
So, in conclusion, I must thank Bal Thackeray for his vociferous attack on Sachin Tendulkar. It has resulted in enough political backlash and public criticism to silence him for quite some time.
I agree. I understand that regional parties' main agenda is to bring the regional concerns to the right authority. But this is madness at its best. I am more surprised at the stupid support to these parties who show what they do, like Azmi case. This is disgusting that after politics based on religion, they have started politics on region. So what they gonna do next???? between neighbours/families???? God save us.