Look Mommy I Shot That!

Sharing pictures or videos on twitter can be as simple as posting the link of your photo album elsewhere (picasa, youtube, flickr, photobucket and the likes). But why resort to such 'prehistoric' methods? Twitter has spawned, or is at least supported, by many third party media upload websites. The seamless integration between your twitter account and these applications, enables, nay, empowers you with a one-touch upload and tweet functionality.
Here is the low-down on few of the third-party applications to enlighten you on the possibilities of your twitter presence.
Say Cheese!
A Picture, they say, is worth a thousand words, which is tremendously helpful when you're dealing with a 140 character limit! Some of the most popular photo upload and tweeting sites include -

A simple no nonsense site which lets you upload photographs directly from the website or through supported phone applications. Apart from seeing the snaps that you uploaded, twitpic also lets you see what the world is uploading in real-time.

Snaptweet allows you to integrate your existing flickr account and tweet uploads to the Yahoo photo sharing service. You can send your latest photo or send tagged photos only or even send all emailed photos.

Fairly similar to twitpic, this service allows you to tweet about your photos on twitter and facebook
Lights, Camera... Action!
If a photo is equivalent to a thousand words, one can only imagine the power of a video clip. Here are some of the top video sharing services for twitter -

Twiddeo lets you upload video files (mpg, wmv and avi file formats). The service also allows yout upload directly from your webcam and as well as your cellular phone (using an email based service).

Rated as the application of choice by many, this video sharing service also has an iphone application which lets you directly upload via your treasured apple phone.

Fame may last for only 15 minutes, but it takes only 12 seconds to become famous. Record your emotions, thoughts or just what you're upto in a 12 second video clip and upload it to this site and watch it spread like wild fire across your twitter and facebook accounts!
Mix It Up!
Don't want to be restricted to just images or videos? Well then try these sites that offer multiple media tweeting support -

TweetCube allows you to share files on Twitter, period! Upload your images, videos, music and more and your files are automatically posted on Twitter.

Not to be confused with twitter's own fail whale, this whale of a photo and video upload service allows integration not only with twitter, but also other sites like facebook, flickr, youtube, blogger, wordpress and typepad (Phew!).
There you go, some really cool web-applications to add media richness to your twittering experience. So what're you waiting for? Start sharing!
The next post (which is the final one in the series) will shed some light on some great twitter clients to help you tweet from anywhere!
Previously in this series: The Twitter Critter Strikes Back!
Next in this Series: Return Of The Clients
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